Ignite the flame within..

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“You are in your darkest hour before the dawn, when you may wonder if there is going to be a ray of light. Then, almost instantly, the light will begin to show from no where. “

Barbara Marcinak - Bringers of the Dawn

My Offerings


Akashic Record Healings

An energetic library of each souls journey through the infinite. The records can give us a blue print of each personal healing journey.


A stress reduction technique that promotes the body’s relaxation response and natural healing ability. Reiki dissolves the illusions of fear and empowers your soul to reveal your loving and authentic truth

Light Language

Helps to activate the dormant portions of your DNA, open your third eye and remind you of your mission, purpose, power, true soul essence, and where you come from.

“You were so connected during my reading and it all rang true to where I am on my journey. Thank you so much”

– Nicole